রবিবার, ৪ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Miller Eccles Study Group, Texas ? By Common Consent, a Mormon ...

The Miller Eccles Study Group would like to announce that Margaret Blair Young, creative writing professor at Brigham Young University and president of the Association for Mormon Letters, will be speaking to MESG TX this Saturday night, August 3, at our Arlington location only. If you are unable to attend the Saturday night study group meeting, be sure to stop by for her fireside presentation on Sunday night. We hope to see you this weekend!


Saturday, August 3, 7 pm.
Arlington Location Only:
3804 Indian Springs Trail, Arlington, Texas 76016


?Black Pioneers as Examples for those in a Faith Crisis: Is There No Blessing for Me??

In this presentation, Margaret will tell the story of Jane Manning James and other black pioneers, and discuss how their examples can help inspire those who are experiencing or have experienced a crisis of faith. She will also discuss her current film project: ?Heart of Africa.?


Margaret will be speaking at the inaugural fireside of the Arlington Texas Stake Genesis Group on August 4, 2013, at 7pm at the Arlington Stake Center. All interested individuals are invited to attend the Genesis kickoff event, hear Margaret speak, and participate in Genesis Group activities. An invitation to the Genesis Group fireside is attached. Please circulate it to anyone you know who might be interested.


Margaret Blair Young teaches literature and creative writing at Brigham Young University. For the past fifteen years, she has specialized in the history of blacks in the west, particularly black Mormons. She has written six novels and two short story collections, but has lately become interested in filmmaking. Her current endeavor is a film to be shot in Zambia called Heart of Africa (www.heartofafricafilm.com). She has held her daughter for hours during her panic attacks and she attends LDS Addiction Recovery meetings with her son.


Because MESG TX will not be incurring any expenses in connection with Margaret?s visit, we will be directing all donations received from this study group event to Margaret in order to help finance the ?Heart of Africa? film project.


October 25 and 26, 2013. Morris Thurston: ?The Legal Trials of Joseph Smith?.


Miller Eccles Study Group Texas seeks to encourage scholarship, enlightenment and understanding concerning all things Mormon. To that end, we invite qualified speakers to address the group on a broad range subjects pertinent to our faith. Our format encourages in-depth question and discussion that other forums are unable to accommodate. Our group is supported by the donations of those who attend. We suggest a donation of $10 per person. For those for whom these donations are a burden, please contribute what you can. The funds are used primarily to defray the travel and lodging costs of out-of-town speakers.

Source: http://bycommonconsent.com/2013/08/03/miller-eccles-study-group-texas/

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